Weathergrams & GOOD sayings

Spend more time listening to the sounds of Nature, By David Singh for Edition Poshetteimage 2“Now is Mine’ on a Paris cafe chair, by Edition PoshetteDSC_0318 (5)

EEDITION POSHETTE ‘rocks’ by David Singhimage 2

“Souviens toi de vivre” by Edition Poshettelearning-soviens toi de vivre 2

Never stop learning ‘. By Edition Poshette on STONE egg by artist Andrew Thomson.never stop learning

Another version of ‘Spend more time listening to the sounds of nature.’ By David Singh for Edition Poshette.image‘The things you take for granted someone else is praying for’. By Edition Poshette smile-granted 2

May good fortune find you, Never postpone Joy, Happiness & Everything & more, Souviens toi de vivre, La vie en Poshette,by Edition Poshettepapercutwhite

‘Time is precious – Waste it Wisely’. By Edition Poshette.

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Now is mine

