a la mode

collecting spring inspiration
a la Parisienne
moving to the beat of an edition poshette
remembrance of things past
as we let our eggs hatch
keeping up appearances, making tendencies twirl
celebrating the courageous
in a constant flow of fashionable feathers
put into motion with aesthetic and poetic
moments a la mode

edition Poshette 2016 Palais Royal 1-ExposureIMG_0389heleneprofilpsdEP2016 Valentino1EP2016 Valentino 3IMG_0509FullSizeRenderedition Poshette 2016 Eli Saab 1-Exposure 2016 Eli SaabDSC_0019-Exposure DSC_0047-Exposure ydeEP2016 Chanel 1edition Poshette 2016 Chanel 2-Exposure

we’ll be back